JAKARTA - Senior racer Ricardo Gelael admitted that he enjoyed the sensation of the 2021 Lake Toba Rally race in Aek Nauli, Parapat, Simalungun, North Sumatra, Saturday 11 December even though he only finished in the top ten and is ready to return next year.

"I feel really tired. I haven't raced in a long time, but I enjoy the sensation," said Ricardo Gelael after the race, which took six special stages (SS), quoted from Antara.

In the race which is the first round of the 2021 Rally National Championship, Ricardo, who is the boss of managing KFC in the country, PT Fast Food Indonesia Tbk (FAST) is back down the mountain in the gravel track race after 2009 has performed quite well. Together with navigator Anthony Sarwono, it turned out that they were still able to compete with young racers.

It's just that there are many challenges that must be faced from the six SS that must be passed. The first SS1 had to go through a slippery track so that it was not able to maximize the Citroen C3 R5 vehicle properly.

Different conditions in SS2, Ricardo Gelael admitted that he was able to start being able to master the vehicle and enjoy racing. Dry track conditions make him ride the vehicle faster. Likewise in SS3. Condition was assessed as normal.

Another tough challenge occurred in SS4, Team Jagonya Ayam's tire burst so it had to be replaced even though it was just before the start. This condition makes the record time to swell about five minutes. However, on the SS5 five were able to return to perform optimally.

"In SS6 the tires had problems again until the finish. It turned out that there were also many like me," said the father of the Sean Gelael racer.

According to Ricardo, the tire burst at the Lake Toba Rally was caused by many things, from the sharp gravel track conditions to the amount of vehicle power used. Moreover, the tires used are hard types.

The 2021 National Rally Championship with the title Lake Toba Rally lasted two rounds and in the first round, the position of the best racer was won by Sean Gelael. While the second round was held at the same place, Sunday 12 December.

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