JAKARTA - Sean Gelael gave a sweet presentation for Indonesia through the runner-up podium in the LMP2 FIA World Endurance Championship (WEC) class. Even though he managed to fly the red and white, he felt he should be able to perform even better.

Sean who is a member of the JOTA #28 team managed to complete the final race points at the Bahrain Circuit, last Saturday, November 6. In the last series, Sean who fought with Tom Blomqvist (England) and Stoffel Vandoorne (Belgium) finished in third place and pocketed 131 points.

However, Sean feels he and his team should be able to give even better results. If they don't make small mistakes, they can deliver perfect results.

"Actually, there are many things that make it won, but this is not a clean and sufficient season," said Sean during a press conference at IMI's headquarters, Senayan, Jakarta, Wednesday, November 10.

"There were a few rounds that we should have won but we didn't, we should have gone higher on the podium but there were a few mistakes," he added.

Although he felt that he was not optimal, Sean was satisfied with the team's performance, which always consistently entered the top three in each competition.

"Yes, we are consistently in positions two, three, two, three," he said.

Reflecting on the results at the end of this season, Sean was determined to perform even better next season.

"But next year we have to be even better. It's a simple thought, if you think winning is easy, it can help us to achieve it. We just need to fight again," said Sean.

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