JAKARTA - The PSSI Disciplinary Commission (Komdis) has imposed sanctions on a number of Serang Serang players for the match fixing case. It doesn't stop there, as a firm effort to eradicate fraud in the field, Komdis will also involve the police to investigate this matter thoroughly.

This was conveyed directly by the chairman of the PSSI Komdis, Erwin Tobing in a virtual press conference, Wednesday, November 3 which was also attended by VOI. On that occasion, Erwin said Komdis had taken firm steps against the perpetrators of the case.

However, due to the limitations of the investigations conducted on related parties, Komdis will involve the police.

"We do have limitations in examining. So, we will submit this case to the police, in this case Polda Metro Jaya, "said Erwin Tobing.

"This report must be followed up by the police because they are the ones who have the authority," he continued.

Komdis' decision to involve the police in this case was because the results of the investigation revealed that one of the former Perserang players, Eka Dwi Susanto, had received an offer from an outside party to conspire.

"The so-called match-fixing from the other side is asking the Perserang players to lose 0-2 in the first half," he said.

"That's an offer with the lure of Rp. 150 million. The one who was contacted was one of the Perserang players, Eka Dwi Susanto,” he added.

From his confession, Eka Dwi Santoso said that he got a call from someone who used a private number that was difficult to trace. This then limited Komdis in its investigation efforts and decided to hand it over to the police.

“Until now, we have not been able to find out who contacted. Eka stated that he was contacted by Mister X through a private number," said Erwin.

"So he didn't know who was calling. When we pressed him, he still didn't know who it was," he said.

Apart from Eka Dwi Susanto, there are also Perserang Serang players who were sentenced for this match fixing case, they are Fandy Edy, Ivan Julyandhy, Ade Ivan Hafilah, Aray Suhendri, and Muhammad Diksi Hendika.

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