JAKARTA - In caring for motorized vehicles, it requires a number of careful preparation so that their performance is always prime. One of the important elements that must be considered is the selection of oil.

However, in the midst of the rampant fake oil circulating in the market, vehicle owners must be extra careful. Fake oils not only harm financially but can also damage the performance of vehicle engines.

Pertamina Lubricants President Director, Werry Prayogi, said that original oil products have pocketed SNI certification for both the automotive and industrial segments. Thus, the quality of the vehicle engine is maintained.

"We have a big responsibility to ensure that consumers get oil products that are preserved in authenticity and quality. The rise of oil counterfeiting cases is not only detrimental to consumers, but also detrimental to the state and industry," Werry said in a statement to the media, Friday, February 21.

Of course, the use of counterfeit oil can have a significant impact on engine performance because the engine lubrication process does not run optimally.

This results in increased friction between components and accelerated engine wear. If used in the long term, engine performance will decrease and lead to more fatal engine failure.

Pertamina Lubricants' Quality Manager, Nurudin, gave an example such as using diesel oil without additive debtergent or dispersant, which would speed up damage to the machine directly.

In certain cases, such as diesel oil without additive deposition or dispersant, engine damage can occur directly. Likewise, industrial lubricants that require special specifications, such as compressor lubricants, the use of fake lubricants can damage the lubrication system instantly," said Nurudin.

In addition, there are many ways to find out the differences in original and fake oils:

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