JAKARTA Jaguar Land Rover (JLR) plans to expand special paint facilities that focus on sustainable globally by investing as much as 65 million pounds or equivalent to IDR 1.313 trillion.

This step also aims to meet the demand for personalized luxury vehicles and reduce the environmental impact of the carbon manufacturing process.

This luxury car manufacturer will double capacity at Castle Bromwich, England and Nitra, Slovakia by presenting new paint facilities, namely Bespoke Paint and Luxury Elevated Palette.

"JLR sees a significant increase in the number of clients who want to personalize their vehicles, so we are preparing to expand our facilities and offer thousands of other paint options across our brands, but do so in the most environmentally friendly and efficient way possible," said JLR Chief Sustainability Officer Andrea Debbane quoted from the company's official website, Wednesday, January 29.

According to the company, this step can accommodate more than 17,000 additional client orders per year.

Of these investments, 41 million of them are for new SVO facilities located in Castle Bromwich, England. Furthermore, 26 million will be injected to replace the painting booths at that location with sophisticated and efficient application booths.

The new painting outlet uses the latest technology that is most energy efficient and filtering techniques to reduce the use of energy and water, and also uses automated spraying robots to reduce paint waste by 30% compared to conventional painting methods.

This expansion will provide increased capacity to support increasing demand so that buyers of the Range Rover SV can choose the color according to their wishes.

Meanwhile, another 10 million is for universal paint facilities in Nitra, Slovakia, which is an assembly place for the Defender and Discovery models.

This includes the addition of the latest electric paint booths and new electric storage ovens. According to JLR, this contributes to reducing 500 tons of carbon per year while marking the first step to switch to the latest energy source.

It said the expansion of the factory in Slovakia would create 120 new jobs with the first car expected out of the assembly production line by 2026.

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