JAKARTA - Automotive manufacturer from Germany, BMW made a bold move by joining one of the Chinese companies to file a lawsuit at the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) against EU tariffs on homemade electric vehicles from the bamboo curtain country.

Reporting from Reuters on Wednesday, January 29, the document shows that the manufacturer has submitted its complaint to the General Court or the bottom of the two CJEU levels.

This was carried out on Tuesday or the day before the deadline for filing a lawsuit. The trial at General Court on average will take 18 months and an appeal can be filed.

As previously reported, the EU imposed a Chinese electric vehicle tariff at the end of last October after conducting an anti-subsidized investigation.

Not only does this apply to Chinese branded vehicles, this also has an impact on assembled cars from China produced by BMW. There are two EV models from the brand MINI that stumbled on this regulation, namely Cooper and Aceman, which are subject to tariffs of up to 20.7 percent.

In early November, representatives of the European Union reportedly came to China to negotiate a price commitment in the electric car tariff dispute.

These negotiations are the latest developments in trade disputes between China and the European Union over electric car rates. The two sides have been involved in the dispute for some time, with each side charging additional tariffs on imports of electric cars from other countries.

The two sides are expected to reach an agreement that could reduce trade tensions and ensure smooth electric car trade between them.

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