YOGYAKARTA - hybrid cars are included in luxury products or goods that will receive the benefits of discounted sales tax incentives on Government Borne Luxury Goods (PPnBM DTP. However, not all hybrid cars can get these incentives. There are several conditions for hybrid cars to get a 3 percent tax discount.

The PPnBM DTP incentive program is the government's effort to encourage the development of environmentally friendly cars to Electric Vehicle (EV). The Ministry of Industry's Director General of Metal Machinery for Transportation and Electronics Equipment (ILMATE), Setia Diarta, said that there are certain conditions for hybrid cars to get 3 percent discount incentives.

"The conditions there are how to optimize localization for production use through local purchasing production, there must be a commitment to utilizing local production on vehicles, the details are there," said Setia Diarta at the 2025 Automotive Industry Prospective Event and Incentive Opportunities from the Government in Jakarta on Tuesday (14/1).

So what are the requirements for hybrid cars to receive a discount incentive of 3% PPnBM DTP from the government?

Setia Diarta explained that according to the Regulation of the Minister of Industry (Permenperin) Number 36 of 2021 concerning Four-wheeled Vehicles of Low Carbon Emissions, PPnBM DTP incentives are given for vehicles produced in Indonesia, especially those included in the Full Hybrid and Hybrid Mild categories based on the Low Carbon Emission Vehicle (LCEV) program.

Setia also hopes that the provision of incentives for hybrid vehicles can attract new investments that have been planned by several hybrid car manufacturers in Indonesia.

"This, vehicles produced can be environmentally friendly, the initial idea is, whether they are plug in, battery, full hybrid, mid hybrid, this is still accommodated if the government supports the proportion that is not the same, still in this case providing the least priority emissions," said Setia Diarta.

The Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) also revealed a number of provisions that must be met by hybrid cars in order to obtain a 3% discounted PPnBM DTP discount. To get the discount incentive, there are no requirements that require the domestic content level (TKDN) to reach a minimum of 80%.

Technically, the fulfillment of requirements is evidenced by a letter of stipulation of a lower four-wheeled motor vehicle company and a letter of determination of a four-wheeled vehicle for low carbon emissions, by the Minister of Industry.

For the requirements for local production hybrid cars that can PPnBM incentives 3% do not refer to certain TKDN values. But the provisions refer to the requirements stipulated in the Regulation of the Minister of Industry (Permenperin) 36 of 2021.

Meanwhile, the conditions agreed to receive an additional 3% PPnBM DTP incentive are vehicles produced in Indonesia in the Full Hybrid and Hybrid Mild categories based on the Low Carbon Emission Vehicle or LCEV program.

If you refer to the regulation, the realization of the minimum investment when submitting a request for the determination of participants is for LCGC of IDR 500 billion, mid-hybrid of IDR 1 trillion, strong hybrid of IDR 2 trillion, plug-in Hybrid of IDR 3 trillion.

Regulation of the Minister of Finance (PMK) containing technical rules and incentive requirements for hybrid cars is in process. A number of local production hybrid cars that may receive these incentives are Toyota Kijang Innova Zenix Hybrid, Toyota Yaris Cross Hybrid, Suzuki Ertiga Hybrid, Wuling Almaz Hybrid Hospital, Suzuki XL-7 Hybrid, to Hyundai Santa Fe Hybrid.

Demikian informasi mengenai syarat mobil hybrid dapat diskon pajak 3 persen dari pemerintah. Ketentuan mengenai kategori mobil hybrid yang bisa menerima insinasi diskon PPnBM DTP tersebut membawa pada Permenperin 36 Tahun 2021. Baca juga produsen mobil hybrid diminta segera daftarkan merek untuk insinasi diskon PPnBM.

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