TANGERANG - The development of electrification vehicles is now taking place rapidly, both pure electricity (EV) and hybrid movements that are more selling well in the market.

Hybrid vehicles are considered the right step in bridging to complete electrification so as to smooth the steps to create carbon neutrality. This technology combines electric or battery drivers with pure gasoline (ICE) engines.

In addition, hybrid vehicles are also considered to have a role in reducing emissions so that they are considered worthy of obtaining incentives from the government such as policies on EVs in Indonesia. And finally, the government stated that this incentive was being prepared.

Marketing Director of PT Toyota-Astra Motor (TAM) Anton Jimmy Suwandi, said that hybrid incentives are very worthy of being implemented because they have a big role in reducing the amount of emissions, especially on local production vehicles.

"Now incentives have been given to BEVs, especially in local production, of course there are considerations in providing hybrid incentives without forgetting the pure electricity," Anton said while talking to the media crew at ICE BSD, Tangerang.

He also took the example of Thailand implementing hybrid incentives first, where this driving car, such as the Yaris Cross HEV, could reach IDR 300 million. Meanwhile, in Indonesia, it is sold for IDR 400 million

"Take an example of Thailand, where the price on the Yaris Cross HEV can reach IDR 300 million with incentives, while in Indonesia it can touch IDR 400 million," added Anton.

In addition, Anton believes that not all people can use EVs in Indonesia so that hybrid incentives are very worthy of being applied to all people who want to contribute to reducing the amount of carbon emissions.

"So, this hybrid incentive is important because we don't want to provide incentives only to certain groups, we want to provide incentives to people who contribute to reducing emissions and domestic production," said Anton.

However, Anton also said that his party would wait for the government's response to this and hoped that the policy could be implemented in the near future.

"It's understandable because the government's condition is in a transitional period, so we gave them time," concluded Anton.

During the first half of this year, hybrid vehicle sales reached 24,770 units, an increase of up to 49 percent from last year. Toyota All-New Kijang Innova Zenix is still the best-selling hybrid car in the country with sales of 10,074 units, followed by Suzuki XL7 Hybrid with 4,945 units, and Ertiga Hybrid with 2,391 units.

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