Tips For Raising Used Car Performance
Car service illustration (Unsplash)

YOGYAKARTA There are several tips for improving car performance so that its performance is maximized. This tip is recommended to be known by vehicle owners with the age category is no longer new.

As is known, the decline in vehicle performance can almost be ascertained in cars that are often used. This decline in performance is natural and can be returned with several efforts.

One sign of the decline in car performance is the reduced comfort when the driver drives his vehicle. At that time there was a possibility that some adjustments had to be made. Here are some tips to improve the performance of used cars.

The decline in car engine performance can be caused by the use of fuel. It is recommended to use Pertamax fuel compared to Pertalite. The fact is that both fuels can produce different performances. In addition, low quality fuel usually contains substances that will move in the engine combustion system.

Did you know, carbon deposited in the engine also has an impact on engine power dropping. In addition, fuel is also more wasteful to produce rough noises. It is recommended to clean carbon to increase power and reduce emissions in the exhaust gas.

It is also recommended to replace the cold air filter to help put the air into the fuel room. Cold air will help add engine power so that the car's performance will increase.

The tune-up of the car is a service that helps the maximum car. This service is carried out regularly by checking the engine interior and combustion system. Technicians will check various elements of the engine such as air filters to fan straps.

Volt stabilizer is a component that can reduce voltage disturbances that occur in the car's electrical system. The electrical system can trigger car power to decrease. The electricity supply in the car, both lacking and excess, can interfere with the engine balance. Therefore, the voltage stabilizer can be a solution.

Changing the car's built-in or standard disposal system to a better disposal system also has an impact on the car's performance. Because the disposal system affects the breathing of the car and the resulting energy. You can also consider using a racing exhaust. However, you still have to pay attention to the rules for using car racing exhausts.

Busion iridium is a busy that has acceleration that is more aggressive than ordinary buses. Meanwhile, koil racing is a coil that is able to produce greater spark tension while providing great energy. Increasing the performance of used cars can be done using these two components.

So that the car's performance can be maintained, car services must be carried out regularly. The right car service time can be done every 6 months or after the car covers a distance of 10,000 km.

Those are some tips for improving car performance. Visit VOI.ID to get more interesting information.

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