YOGYAKARTA The alternator is a component of the power plant in motorized vehicles, including cars. In the automotive world, the alternator is referred to as a dynamo. So, what function of car alternators?

Before knowing the answer to this question, it's a good idea to listen to what car alternators are in the following reviews.

Car alternators are components that can produce direct electric currents (DCs) when the engine is operating. The alternator replaces the older generator function in most modern vehicles.

Alternatives produce electrical currents in a direction through the principle of electromagnetism. Usually, the alternator consists of a rotor and a stator.

The rotor consists of coils of wire mounted on a rotating axis. While the stator contains a fixed wire coil. When the rotor rotates inside the stator, the magnetic field will change and produce an electric current in the coil of the stator wire.

The electric current was then converted into a direct current by a device called a directional diode (rectifier).

The alternator or dynamo boil is also packed with voltage regulators to control the output voltage, so that the voltage given to the battery and the car's electric system remains stable.

The function of auto alternators is to provide the electrical power needed by various electrical systems in vehicles, such as lighting, horn indicator lights, battery charging systems, and other electrical devices.

Not only that, but the alternator is also assigned to charge the car battery when the engine is running.

Just like other parts of the car, car alternators also have various components whose functions are interconnected. These components include:

That's information about the function of car alternators. Get news updates of other options only on VOI.ID.

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