JAKARTA - Being a company that has had a social and economic impact on the community, Suzuki Indonesia has been actively intensifying educational programs that have had a positive impact on the environment and education since 10 years ago.

This transformation program is realized through the Suzuki Indonesia Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) with the title 'Suzuki Cares for the Environment' which targets environmental sustainability and 'Suzuki Cares for Education' targeting automotive vocational school students in Indonesia.

Joshi Prasetya, Strategic Planning Dept. Head of PT SIS revealed that the various CSR activities launched by Suzuki are a tangible form of contribution to have a positive impact on environmental sustainability and an increase in the skills set of the younger generation of Indonesia.

"All of our actions depart from the spirit of transformation that we believe will have a good impact on Indonesia. In recent years, Suzuki has committed to play an active role in having a positive impact on the surrounding environment. In 2023, this is the 10th year of Suzuki Indonesia implementing the Suzuki Cares for the Environment program through Clean Up the World and the 8th year of the Suzuki Cares for Education program through machine donations, vehicles, and transmission for the educational purposes of vocational school students," Joshi explained, in his statement, Monday, January 29.

Ten years running the Suzuki Care for the Environment program, which aims to preserve Indonesian beaches and seas through this Suzuki Clean Up the World activity, has reached various beaches ranging from the West Indonesia region such as the Thousand Islands, Tangerang, Jakarta, Purworejo, to central Indonesia such as Bali, and eastern areas such as Manado and Morotai.

In addition, this beach clearing action also involves the government, the community, and especially local students as a form of education on the importance of protecting the beach around where they live. In addition, the Suzuki Clean Up The World activities also educate the public about various types of garbage and their impact on the beach if allowed to pollute the coast.

In addition to Suzuki Caring for the Environment, Suzuki Indonesia also runs the Suzuki Care Education program which has made a positive contribution to more than 57 thousand students from 683 schools and universities spread throughout Indonesia in the last 8 years.

Suzuki Peduli Pendidikan memberikan kesempatan pabrik sebagai akses edukasi bagi pelajar sekolah untuk mempelajari proses produksi dalam industri otomotif, terutama metode kaizen yang terus mendorong inovasi menuju proses produksi yang paling optimal dan rendah karbon di pabrik Suzuki Cikarang. Suzuki meyakini bahwa generasi muda merupakan kunci dalam menciptakan dampak positif yang berkelanjutan terhadap lingkungan.

"Suzuki believes that the younger generation is the key to success from the environmental sustainability agenda that this country is working on. This is what brings Suzuki Indonesia to go directly, in various concrete actions to set examples and educate students from educational institutions in various parts of Indonesia," concluded Joshi.

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