JAKARTA - The rainy season has arrived in Indonesia. For car owners, this is a concern in itself. The reason is, the rainy season can affect the car's performance to be not optimal. Rainy water is made of ingredients that can make the car in bad condition.
Sapta Agung Nugraha, Head of Cilandak Auto2000 Workshop, said that rainwater has a strong acid content that can cause mold on the glass and body of the vehicle.
"Because rainwater contains strong acid, it is better to immediately wash the vehicle after it is used to avoid the appearance of mold on the glass or vehicle body," Sapta told VOI, last Sunday, December 10.
Here are 5 tips for taking care of the car during the rainy season to stay prime:
Wash the car immediately after it rains The rainwater contains strong acid which can cause mold on the glass and body of the vehicle. For this reason, wash the car immediately after being exposed to rainwater to avoid the appearance of mold.
Check the condition of the brakes that are wet due to the splash of rain water can reduce the braking power. Check the brake condition again after being used on a runny road.
Check the rubber components of Kompon with rubber material at the bottom of the car and rubber doors also need to be re-examined. Make sure the rubbers are still in good condition so they don't leak and water can enter.
Keeping the car's interior dry Rainy water can also make the interior condition unhygienic. If rainwater wets the carpet or seat, it will cause an unpleasant odor in the cabin. Therefore, keep the car's interior dry.
"Always take care of the interior of the car, it remains dry, for example, the carpet of the vehicle, if left wet in the car it can cause a smell," added Sapta.
Checking the electricity system of rainwater can also cause a short circuit in the car's electrical system. For this reason, check the car's electricity system regularly.
By following the tips above, you can take good care of your car during the rainy season. So, your car is still primed and ready to use at any time.
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