YOGYAKARTA People who own motorized vehicles are required to equate the data listed in the Motor Vehicle Owner's Book (BPKB) and Vehicle Number Certificate (STNK) with the data listed on the e-KTP. The adjustment is carried out on name to address. Then if the ID card address changes, should you change the STNK?

Quoted from the official website of the West Java Provincial Revenue Agency (Bapenda Jabar), every purchase of new and used motorized vehicles, it is necessary to reverse the name of the vehicle.

Turning the name of the vehicle needs to be done so that the data on vehicle owners registered at the Samsat office is the same as the data on the original owners of the vehicles in circulation. Thus, the process related to paying car or motorbike taxes, payment of mandatory road traffic accident funds (SWDKLLJ) for taxpayers (WP) is also easier. Thus, the data in question includes names, addresses, and other personal information.

So that when carrying out the activity concerned with vehicle administration, the owner can prove ownership through the identity of the KTP or Family Card (KTP).

It should be noted that address updates at BPKB and STNK consider whether the new address is different from the original address or not. The reason is, if the new address and old address are different, then the vehicle owner must transfer in.

Quoted from the Sleman Samsat website, the transfer to enter a motorized vehicle is the registration of vehicles to Samsat according to the new address of the vehicle owner. This process is a continuation of withdrawing files made from Samsat according to the previous address to Samsat according to a new address which is administratively different regions.

The transfer of vehicles itself is a re-registration process which in the process, the data on vehicle owners listed on the STNK will be equated with the data on the ID card. The mutation process is carried out for various reasons, one of which is the transfer of addresses.

How to change the STNK address according to the new KTP is to register the vehicle at the BPKB Polres Service and then submit a new BPKB application. After that, the new owner can apply for a new STNK on Samsat. The requirement for entry transfer to change the address is as follows.

People who plan to transfer their vehicles to Samsat according to their domicile are only advised to find out the flow, which is as follows.

In addition to changing the ID card address, do you have to change the STNK, visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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