YOGYAKARTA The effect of car battery voltage under normal will be felt immediately when vehicle owners turn on the engine.

For information, the battery voltage was normal when the car engine died was 12.5 V and increased to 13.7 V to 14.7 V in a battery charging position when the engine was turned on.

Well, if the voltage is below 12 V, the car will be difficult to start and the components will not work optimally due to lack of electricity supply.

In addition to making car engines difficult to turn on, here are a series of car battery voltage effects that are below normal that vehicle owners must know, as summarized by VOI from various sources:

How to measure car battery voltage can be done using a voltmeter or multitester/multimeter.

When using the tool, you are required to wear a pair of gloves and glasses to protect yourself.

When ready, follow the following steps to measure the car battery voltage:

That's information about the effect of car battery stress under normal. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.

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