JAKARTA - After previously being asked to produce fully electric vehicles in 2035, Germany and the European Union have also reached an agreement on the use of fossil fuel machines in the future. Or after 2035.

Quoted from Reuters, Saturday, March 25, they agreed to allow some cars with fossil combustion engines after 2035. Germany wants assurances that new combustion engine cars can be sold beyond the deadline (2035), if using fuel that remains capable of reducing carbon emissions.

"We have found an agreement with Germany on future use of electronic fuel in cars," said EU Chief Climate Policy Frans Timmermans.

Meanwhile, in a Twitter account upload of German Transport Minister Volker Wissing said vehicles with internal combustion engines could still be registered new after 2035 if they charge exclusively with CO2 neutral fuel.

This policy has received strong protests from Benjamin Stephan as a representative of the Greenpeace campaign group.

"This rotten commodity damages climate protection by transportation, and it endangers Europe," he explained.

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