MEDAN - The practice of illegal levies by thugs against truck drivers has occurred again in Tanjung Morawa, Deli Serdang Regency, North Sumatra.

The extortion carried out by thugs has gone viral on social media. In the video, a thug is caught angry with the truck driver because he doesn't want to give Rp. 50 thousand.

"What 50 thousand rupiahs are you asking for," said the truck driver.

However, realizing that his action was recorded by the truck driver, the thugs actually lowered the levy to Rp5,000. The thug also asked that the truck driver not record the incident.

"You can talk nicely, where do we go with this," said the thug.

Because they continued to argue, the truck driver finally handed over to the thugs Rp5 thousand.

"I don't want to ask for a fight, earlier I gave you Rp5 thousand, you didn't want," replied the driver.

Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Deli Serdang Police, Commissioner M Firdaus confirmed the viral video. The incident occurred Saturday, October 30. The police immediately moved and arrested the perpetrator with the initials JU.

"The suspect was arrested not far from his residence on Industri Street Dusun I, Tanjungmorawa Village B, Tanjungmorawa District," said Commissioner Firdaus in his statement, Monday, November 1.

From the results of the examination, said Commissioner Firdaus, JU admitted that he made extortion to every truck that wanted to unload.

JU requires each truck to pay Rp20 thousand by providing a receipt stamped with one of the community organizations.

The extortion money was given to the head of their organization. Meanwhile, he only gets 25 percent of the money collected.

Even so, the police are still investigating JU's statement. Now for his actions, the perpetrator is being detained at the Tanjung Morawa Police.

"JU has now been named a suspect based on the victim's complaint and is undergoing an examination which is charged with violating Article 368 of the Criminal Code with a threat of 9 years in prison," said Commissioner Firdaus.

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