JAKARTA - The Mayor of Medan, Bobby Nasution is proud of the HKBP Sei Agul Church which has implemented the Year of Empowerment and succeeded in building a Sunday School and Multipurpose Building.

This was conveyed by Bobby Nasution while attending the Empowerment Peak Party and the Inauguration of the HKBP Sei Agul Ressort Medan IV Sunday School and Multipurpose Building, Sunday, October 31, in the courtyard of the HKBP Church, Church Street, Sei Agul Village, West Medan District.

"What HKBP is doing is in line with the Medan City Government program, namely the independent house of worship program," said Bobby Nasution at the event which was attended by, among others, Ompui Ephorus HKBP, Pastor Dr. Robinson Butarbutar, Ressot Tumpal Willi Rumapea, Chair of the 2021 HKBP Empowerment Committee. and Chairman of the Committee for the Construction of the HKBP Sei Agul Sunday School and Multipurpose Building, Kombes Dr. Maruli Siahaan, and all the leaders and the congregation of the church.

According to President Jokowi's son-in-law, the HKBP Church has succeeded in implementing the principles of independent houses of worship. Bobby Nasution said that houses of worship are not just places of worship, but also form civilizations. All aspects of life can be formed in a house of worship.

"And the HKBP has formed its system. This is extraordinary," said Bobby Nasution, quoted from the official website of the Medan City Government.

What HKBP does is also in line with the goal of achieving blessings for this city. There is no intervention to create a Blessing Field except the intervention of the heart.

"Intervention from the heart is intervention from God. God guides us, God rules us," said Bobby Nasution.

In another part, Bobby Nasution mentions the abolition of the red date on Christmas. He said the government's policy was not to abolish Christmas worship. If not changed, the holiday is not only for Christians, but also for people of other religions. Experience shows that there has been a spike in Covid-19 after the holidays. Therefore, the policy of eliminating red dates was made to prevent a spike in COVID-19.

Bobby Nasution's presence at the event brought joy to the entire congregation. Arriving at the location, Bobby Nasution was greeted with a tor-tor dance and draping flowers. In addition, Ompui Ephorus HKBP, Pastor Dr. Robinson Butarbutar also wrote Bobby Nasution. The gift of ulos is a symbol of HKBP's love for Bobby Nasution.

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