KUPANG - The Head of the International Relations Division (Kadivhubinter) of the National Police Inspector General Johni Asadoma ensured that the World Policewomen Conference which will be held in Labuan Bajo in November is carried out by implementing strict health protocols.

"The participants will take PCR swab specimens and use masks during the activity. In addition, inspections of various tourist attractions that will be visited by participants have also been well prepared," he said in Kupang, quoted by Antara, Thursday, October 28.

This was conveyed by him when chairing the readiness meeting of the World Policewomen Conference or The International Association of Woman Police (IAWP) Conference at the NTT Police Headquarters.

Inspector General Johni said that in the future 17 countries would be ready to send their female police officers to attend the world policewomen's conference in Labuan Bajo, but the number would depend on the decisions of each country.

The former NTT Deputy Chief of Police added that a number of participants will arrive in early November 2021, this activity will receive tight security.

The international conference will be held from 6 to 12 November 2021. Countries participating in the World Policewomen Conference include Australia, Timor Leste, Turkey, Canada, South Korea, the Philippines, Germany, Taiwan, Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapore, and Ghana.

"According to the target of this conference, there should be 300-500 policewomen who are representatives of 50 countries in the world," he added.

Various preparations have been made so that Labuan Bajo is ready to host the World Policewomen Conference.

It has established infrastructure and other supporting facilities. The National Police has also ensured the readiness and support of the local government, business actors, the community, and the security forces.

Indonesia itself will send five policewomen as envoys from each Regional Police throughout Indonesia.

The policewomen who are elected to represent Indonesia are competent policewomen. By holding this event, all Policewoman can have the same pattern to realize "Women at The Center Stage of Policing".

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