INDRAMAYU - The Health Service of Indramayu Regency, West Java, noted that 6,120 children in the area were stunned.

"There are now 6,120 stunting cases and this is the latest data", said Head of the Indramayu District Health Office Deden Boni Koswara in Indramayu, Antara, Wednesday, October 27.

According to the latest data, the number of children in the Indramayu Regency is 129 thousand. Of these, 6,120 children are stunted

Many factors cause stunting in children. Among them, continued Deden, early marriage, malnutrition, poverty, and several other factors.

According to him, of the 31 sub-districts in Indramayu Regency, the most stunting cases occurred in Balongan District. However, Deden did not mention the exact data.

"Of the 31 sub-districts, the most are in Balongan District", he said.

Meanwhile, the Regent of Indramayu, Nina Agustina, said that currently, Indramayu Regency is focusing on reducing stunting rates by aggressively campaigning for healthy living.

In addition, Nina also appealed to young mothers to prepare for pregnancy to reduce the risk of stunting. "For this, young people must be prepared in advance, when they want to have children so that their upbringing can be even better", he said.

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