MEDAN - A man died on the ceiling of a house in the DPR complex of Sessionkal Village, South Padangsidimpuan District, North Sumatra.

Padangsidimpuan Police Chief AKBP Juliani Prihatini through Head of Criminal Investigation Unit AKP Bambang Priyatno said it was suspected that victim Aswan Tanjung (43) died from being electrocuted while moving the cable on Tuesday, October 26 night. It was raining at that time.

"When the victim was working to move the cable above the ceiling, suddenly the victim was electrocuted and there was a scream," said AKP Bambang, Wednesday, October 27.

The incident began when witness Riski (51) asked the victim to move the electrical wires at his residence.

The victim moved the power cable. The victim went up to the ceiling of the house to fix the electrical wiring.

But unfortunately, the victim did it when it was raining. Suddenly the victim was electrocuted and a scream was heard.

Witnesses who were at the scene called the victim. But there is no answer.

"The witness downstairs called the victim. But there was no answer, then the witness went up to see the victim. The witness saw the victim was lying on the ceiling and the victim had died, then the witness took the victim to Padangsidimpuan Hospital," said AKP Bambang.

The victim suffered abrasions on the left cheek with a diameter of 0.5 cm, then abrasions on the left elbow with a diameter of 3 cm, and an irregular electric shock wound on the left palm, precisely under the little finger.

"We contacted the victim's family, and the victim's family requested that the victim not be autopsied," said AKP Bambang.

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