JAKARTA - Chairman of Bawaslu Abhan hopes that BNN can provide access to track record data related to narcotics participants in the 2020 Pilkada to Bawaslu. The data will be used by the regional Bawaslu that is holding the elections as a requirement for drug-free candidates.

"We hope to be given the widest possible access from the National Narcotics Agency, especially for Bawaslu city districts. We can be given freedom of access to find out whether this candidate has met the drug-free requirements," Abhan said as quoted by the Bawaslu website, Jakarta, Tuesday, July 28.

He explained that the data provided by BNN would help and facilitate the supervisory process by Bawaslu in seeing the requirements for the candidate for regional head.

"(One of our) duties is to supervise whether this requirement (a drug-free certificate) is fulfilled or not from the candidate for regional head," he said.

Based on Law Number 10 of 2016 concerning the Election of Governors, Regents, Mayors, Article 45 Paragraph 2, one of the requirements for candidates is to provide a letter of examination of their physical, spiritual and narcotic abilities free from the team.

The team consists of doctors, psychologists, and the National Narcotics Agency, which is determined by the Provincial KPU or Regency / Municipal KPU as proof of fulfilling the candidate's requirements.

Head of BNN Heru Winarko welcomed Bawaslu's request. He supports the creation of a drug-free regional head candidate.

In addition, he also hopes that Bawaslu can oversee the campaign funds issued by the candidates so that the funds are not provided by narcotics dealers.

"We hope that Bawaslu will also supervise the source of funding for candidate pairs not to come from (drug) dealers," he said.

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