JAKARTA - Deputy Minister of Religion, Zainut Tauhid Sa'adi, asked the Ministry of Religion's polemic that the gift to Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) be stopped and did not need to be extended. Moreover, the Minister of Religion, Yaqut Cholil Qoumas, has clarified his statement.

"I think the explanation can be understood. The explanation has been conveyed and the pros and cons should be ended", said Zainut in a written statement, Tuesday, October 26.

He said Yaqut's statement also did not contain elements that were detrimental to other parties but merely provided motivation and encouragement for the students and Islamic boarding schools. The goal is for them to increase their service to the country.

Moreover, the message was delivered during the commemoration of National Santri Day. So, he asked all parties not to make comments and create an increasingly heated atmosphere and even deliberately draw attention to the issue of SARA.

"I ask all parties to exercise restraint and not to issue statements that can actually make the situation even more heated", he said.

"Let's hold ourselves back and channel energy together to synergize in advancing the nation", added Zainut.

Zainut also asked all parties to put forward the spirit of brotherhood and harmony. "Islam teaches us to advise each other to obey the truth and to advise each other to stay above patience", he said.

Previously reported, Minister of Religion Yaqut Cholil Qoumas alias Gus Yaqut called the Ministry of Religion a 'state gift' for Nahdlatul Ulama or NU.

Gus Yaqut's statement was delivered at an International Webinar held by RMI-PBNU and uploaded to TVNU's YouTube account, Wednesday, October 20.

At the event, initially, Yaqut told of a small debate in the ministry when discussing the issue of the Ministry of Religion. He then revealed that he had a desire to change the logo or tagline of the Ministry of Religion 'Ikhlas Beramal'.

"I said, there is no sincerity, why is it written like that, the name is sincere in the heart, how sincere is it written, yes, this shows that it is not sincere. Sincere doing charity is not good, it's not right when I say it", he added.

According to him, at that time the debate continued about the history of the origin of the Ministry of Religion. Gus Yaqut said that there was one Ustaz who at that time did not agree that the Ministry of Religion should oversee all religions.

"There are those who disagree, 'This Ministry must be the Ministry of Islamic Religion' because the Ministry of Religion is a state gift for Muslims. for NU'. So it's only natural that now NU is taking advantage of the many opportunities that exist in the Ministry of Religion because the prize is for NU", said Minister Yaqut.

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