Checked In 2 Hours, Rachel Vennya Was Bombarded With Dozens Of Questions
The car allegedly used by Rachel Vennya (Rizky Aditya Pramana/VOI)

JAKARTA - The suspect in the case of escaping from Wisma Atlet Pademangan, Rachel Vennya, has been investigated for her car's 'RFS' number plate. In Rachel's examination, 15 questions were asked.

"About 15 questions were asked," said the Head of Sub-Directorate for Bin Gakkum, Ditlantas, Polda Metro Jaya AKBP Argo Wiyono to VOI, Tuesday, October 26.

Rachel Vennya arrived earlier than scheduled inspection. The celebgram came to the Sub-Directorate of Gakkum Ditlantas Polda Metro Jaya at around 07.00 WIB. In fact, the agenda for the examination of Rachel Vennya is scheduled at 10.00 WIB.

"We have been asked for information for 2 hours," said Argo.

Previously, it was reported that the RFS plate of Rachel Vennya's car was in the spotlight when she returned home after an inspection at the Polda Metro Jaya. The police will check the B-139-RFS plate of Rachel Vennya's car.

"It's a three-digit plate, so if the three numbers are actually the back it doesn't really matter. It's free," said Argo.

As for officials, the use of RF plates with heads of numbers 1 and 4 numbers.

"Only head 1 is four points," said Argo Wiyono.

"So he bought a regular plate just to make it look like an official. But it can be owned by the public," he continued.

Meanwhile, regarding the alleged use of this plate in a different car, the police will check it. Argo Wiyono emphasized that the vehicle number could not be transferred.

"If you change numbers, you definitely can't. Must be in accordance with the TNKB. That's why I checked the number management computer first. If the numbers don't match, we can take action," said Argo Wiyono.

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