BANJARMASIN - The South Kalimantan (Kalsel) Regional Police revealed drug trafficking in the form of postage stamps involving a barista in Banjarmasin.

"Suspect MF (21) who is a well-known barista in Banjarmasin was arrested when he received a drug package in the form of stamps that he ordered online," said Head of Sub-Directorate 1 of the Directorate of Drug Investigation at the South Kalimantan Police AKBP Meilki Bharata in Banjarmasin, quoted by Antara, Monday, October 25.

The police found 10 pieces of narcotics type 2-CB in the form of postage stamps which are now evidence to ensnare the coffee drinker, whose address is at Jalan Rawa Sari Ujung, Banjarmasin City.

The disclosure of the circulation of new types of drugs stems from information from the public which was followed up by the Opsnal Team of Sub-Directorate 1 of the Narcotics Directorate of the South Kalimantan Police.

Police arrested MF at his home on Friday 22 October. The search found drugs which are often referred to as "Paper Dewa".

"This is the first case found in South Kalimantan. This type of drug has quite a powerful effect on its users, so it is very dangerous," said Meilki.


It is known that "Paper Dewa" contains bromo dimethoxyphenyl which causes hallucinogens or hallucinations of its users to have a negative impact on human health and mentality.

"So we urge the public, especially parents, to be more vigilant in monitoring their children's interactions, who are now so vulnerable to being affected by various types of drugs," Meilki reminded.

The suspect was charged with Article 114 paragraph (1) in conjunction with Article 112 paragraph (1) of Law No. 35 of 2009 on Narcotics and or Article 62 of Law No. 5 of 1997 on Psychotropics.

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