East Java Police Arrest 3 Loan Suspects Who Spoof And Threaten Customers Who Have Repaid Loans
The release of the pinjol case at the East Java Regional Police (DOK Police)

SURABAYA - The East Java Police Ditreskrimsus team arrested three suspects for online loans (pinjol) in Surabaya. All three threaten customers through loan collection.

"Even though the BSB victim (the reporter) has paid off his loan, the suspect has threatened BSB," said East Java Police Chief Inspector General Nico Afinta at the East Java Police Headquarters, Monday, October 25.

The three suspects arrested were ASA (31), RH alias Asep (28) and APP (27). This case was revealed in December 2020, where BSB (the reporter) applied for a loan in "Rupiah Merdeka and Dana Now".

In February 2021, BSB repaid its loan. However, in early July 2021, BSB received a billing message from the loan company. Among others, KSP Planet Bahagia, KSP Boss Duit, Great Fund and Lucky Uang.

At that time, said Nico, the suspect ASA sent an SMS to BSB with the sentence "Anjixxx Baxx (BSB) warning, you pay the bill in the application (name pinjol) right now. Don't let me embarrass your contacts and spread your face on social media , and I will raise funds for your friends or relatives. Pay now bxxx.” A message with the same sentence was also sent by suspect RH to BSB.

On July 17, 2021, BSB made a complaint at the Sub-Directorate V/Siber of the East Java Police Ditreskrimsus. After that, in August-September 2021, investigators carried out a series of investigative processes.

The police then arrested ASA at Perum Samudra Residence, Bogor, West Java. Meanwhile, on October 18, 2021, the police arrested RH alias Asep.

According to Nico, the suspects are paid Rp 4.2 million per month by the company, and receive facilities from the company in the form of an internet quota of Rp 90,000 per month.

"The suspects also get incentives if the collection is successful at 65 percent of the total billing within one week. The suspect will get Rp162,000 excluding salary," he said.

While one other suspect, APP (27) is an employee of the online loan company PT Duyung Sakti Indonesia. APP serves as a collection desk.

The case that ensnared APP began on Thursday, October 7, 2021, where the victim received an incoming WhatsApp message from APP.

APP claims to be from the Dompet Share online loan application. He did the billing by sending a message containing a photo of the victim's face and a photo of the victim's ID card to the victim's WhatApp account accompanied by the sentence "it's good that this photo and ID card has gone viral".

"The victim was afraid and threatened that the photo of her face and ID card was distributed by the perpetrator," said Nico.

The three suspects were charged with Article 27 Paragraph (4) Juncto Article 45 paragraph (4) of Law Number 19 of 2016 concerning Amendments to Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions (ITE). The threat of imprisonment is a maximum of 6 years and or a maximum fine of Rp. 1 billion.

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