JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan claims that the achievement of Jakpreneur's entrepreneurship development program has now exceeded the target after four years in office.

Based on data as of October 21, 2021, there are 281,812 MSME participants registered in the Jakpreneur program, spread across five cities and the Thousand Islands Regency.

"Alhamdulillah, the target was not only achieved, but even exceeded, namely there are 281,000 members. This is an extraordinary collaboration, they are partners working with us," said Anies at the Jakpreneur fest Appreciation Night at the Bank Mandiri Museum, Sunday, October 24 evening.

Jakpreneur is a replacement program for OK OCE that Anies perfected, shortly after Sandiaga Uno resigned from the position of Deputy Governor of DKI in 2018.

Initially, the OK OCE program was targeted to produce 200 thousand new MSME entrepreneurs as long as Anies and Sandiaga lead the capital city. When it changed its name to Jakpreneur, the target for the number of MSMEs was still the same.

Until finally, one of Anies' mainstay programs during the 2017 DKI gubernatorial election campaign was claimed to have passed the target.

"Jakpreneur is part of our promise, so one of the things in the pilkada process is the promise to be realized into the RPJMD. The target is to be able to grow 200 thousand new entrepreneurs in 2022, and thank God the target was not achieved but exceeded," explained Anies.

For this achievement, Anies linked efforts to revive the community's economic condition due to the COVID-19 pandemic through the Jakpreneur program.

He said, this pandemic is also an opportunity for MSME actors to start again, thus requiring the establishment of a healthy ecosystem and good coaching.

“No one expected this pandemic, but this is an opportunity for us to restart, starting from scratch. We in Jakarta hold firmly that we will not reduce the big ones, but raise the small ones with a healthy business ecosystem and a good coaching process so that MSMEs can develop," he concluded.

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