MEDAN - A woman with the initials H br Pandiangan (50) was found dead by hanging herself at her residence in Muliorejo Village, Sunggal District, Deli Serdang Regency, North Sumatra.

Before committing suicide, it is suspected that H first killed his nephew Sn br Simorangkir (20). H is suspected of being depressed after being left by her husband who died about 3 months ago.

When found, H br Pandiangan was found dead by hanging himself in the front room of the house. Meanwhile, Sn br Simorangkir was found dead covered in blood.

The incident was first known by the children of H br Pandiangan, RT br Pasaribu (14). At that time, RT had just returned from an overnight stay from his brother's house.

RT br Pasaribu was initially suspicious because the door of the house was still locked from the inside and there was no answer when banged on and called. Out of suspicion, RT br Pasaribu tried to pry open the door of his house using a kitchen knife he borrowed from a neighbor.

But his efforts were in vain and unsuccessful, because the door to his house could not be opened. Then RT br Pasaribu asked his neighbor E Hutajulu to help dismantle the door of his house.

After the door opened, RT Pasaribu went straight to the room behind his house. When he went to the back room of RT Pasaribu, he was surprised to see his cousin lying on the floor with his body covered in blood.

Not only that, when he was about to leave his house to ask for help from local residents, the witness saw that his mother had also died in the front room with her body hanging.

"We opened the door of his house because it couldn't open, when it was opened inside there were already 2 people dead. One was in the back room with his body lying on the floor with a lot of blood and the parents of RT. Pasaribu, hanging in the front room of his house," said the neighbor of the victim EH, Sunday, October 24.

Furthermore, the residents directly contacted the Head of Hamlet 13, Muliorejo Village, Sunggal District. Then the Head of Hamlet 13, Muliorejo Village, proceeded to the Sunggal Police.

Receiving a report from the Head of the 13th Head of Muliorejo Village, the Sunggal Polsek team immediately went to the location to conduct an investigation with the Medan Polrestabes Inafis team to conduct a crime scene (TKP).

The Acting Chief of the Sunggal Police, AKP P Panjaitan, through the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Sunggal Police, AKP Budiman Simanjuntak confirmed the incident. SN br Simorangkir, according to him, died from wounds on the back of his head and in his stomach.

"It is also suspected that the perpetrator H br Pandiangan hanged himself and had blood on his feet," said AKP Budiman.

From the location, evidence in the form of 1 stick and a knife was also secured near the victim's body, Sn br Simorangkir.

"Furthermore, the two bodies were immediately taken to the Bhayangkara Hospital in Medan for an autopsy to be carried out for further investigation," he said.

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