BOYOLALI - The Boyolali District Health Office, Central Java, recorded the number of deaths due to being confirmed positive for COVID-19 in the area, for the last two weeks it had shown zero.

"The number of deaths due to COVID-19 in Boyolali for the last 14 days, there has been no addition or has been zero so that the total data as of this Sunday, remains at 1,403 people", said Head of the Boyolali District Health Office, Dr. Puji Astuti, in Boyolali, reported by Antara, Sunday. , October 24.

According to Puji Astuti, with zero deaths due to COVID-19 in Boyolali, the total number remains 1,403 people or around 5.7 percent of the accumulated positive confirmed cases of 24,550.

She explained that for the additional new confirmed case of COVID-19, there is now only one person in Sawit District. With this addition, there are currently 22 active cases, consisting of eight people undergoing treatment at the hospital and 14 people self-isolating.

"The recovery rate due to COVID-19 in Boyolali has reached 23,125 people or 94.2 percent, so Boyolali has entered the COVID-19 low-risk zone and the public health index (IKM) score is 2.5", she said.

In fact, according to her, the percentage of occupied beds in hospitals for COVID-19 patients in Boyolali continues to decrease or only reaches two percent.

Nevertheless, the Boyolali Health Office does not tire of continuing to provide education to the community, especially in rural areas, to maintain health protocols by wearing masks, washing hands frequently with soap, keeping a distance, and staying away from crowds.

Meanwhile, the activities of the vaccination program in Boyolali Regency are continuing by adjusting the availability of vaccine doses. This was carried out by the Health Office supported by other government institutions, both ministries, the House of Representatives as well as the TNI and Polri.

The number of Boyolali residents who have been injected with the first dose of vaccine until Sunday, October 24, recorded 677,860 people or 81.11 percent, dose two was 401,860 people or 47.99 percent and dose three was 5,550 people or 0.66 percent.

"Our COVID-19 vaccination program continues to be accelerated for the general public, with priority for the elderly and children aged over 12 years. Vaccination for the elderly is combing by visiting their respective homes. Children are preparing for face-to-face learning activities (PTM) in Boyolali which is now being extended to villages", she said.

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