JAKARTA - The Executive Board (PB) of the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI), opened their voices regarding the polemic of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test as a flight requirement. This policy is in effect following the extension of the Implementation of Restrictions on Community Activities (PPKM).

The head of the PB IDI COVID-19 Task Force, Zubairi Djoerban, said the decision to use PCR as a flight condition was the right one. According to him, this obligation is a form of prudence by the Indonesian government.

This is because, he said, even though the case has been sloping, care must be taken so that there will not be another spike in COVID-19 cases in the country.

"Our current COVID-19 case is sloping, the positivity rate is below 2 percent, which is very, very good. The hospital is also deserted. So it's time to be more relaxed, meaning that you can travel but security is also maintained", said Zubairi in his statement, Sunday, October 24.

Zubairi explained, the decision to use PCR tests for passengers on this plane was to prevent new clusters of COVID-19. Moreover, community activities are starting to be allowed to open, such as tourist spots, shopping centers, as well as face-to-face schools.

“In the past, the antigen was allowed so that it was faster so that it was cheaper. Now, various places have relaxed, both for tourism, good face-to-face schools, shopping places, so because it has been relaxed, I think it should be tightened so that new clusters do not occur", said Zubairi.

According to him, the PCR test is the best for screening COVID-19 compared to using GeNose or antibodies through an antigen test.

"So please remember that we were screened using GeNose before, screening using antibodies, then it proved not so good. Yes, it has now been proven that PCR is better than antigen, the price is a bit expensive. But it's safer", he said.

This strict PCR screening, added Zubairi, was carried out so that there would not be a spike in COVID-19 cases again like in July-August.

"Imagine, please remember that in July-August, more than 2,000 people die every day in Indonesia, we are at the highest peak. Now it's really going down if the daily weekly new cases we are already number 54 in the world, which was number 1 and now it's really down", he said.

"Well, I don't think anyone wants to be number one anymore. We really have to be stricter", he continued.

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