Follow The Ancestors, Even Though Muslim Sukmawati Often Prays With Hindu Means
Sukmawati Soekarnoputri (Source: Antara)

DENPASAR - Sukmawati Soekarnoputri will undergo the ritual of converting from Islam to Hinduism. There is a reason why the daughter of the proclaimer, Soekarno, converted to Hinduism, namely to return to her ancestral religion.

The head of the Sukarno Center who was in charge of the event, Arya Wedakarna, explained that Sukmawati's grandmother, Ida Ayu Nyoman Rai Srimben, was a Hindu. He comes from Singaraja, Buleleng Regency, Bali.

"Because her grandmother Nyoman Rai Srimben from Singaraja is also a Hindu. So she (Sukmawati) also wants her place not in Jakarta but in Bali. But in Bali, the Great Hall is the place of her ancestor, Bung Karno's mother, Nyoman Rai Sirimben," said Arya .

Sukmawati's decision to embrace the Hindu religion called Arya has gone through a long process. So far, Sukmawati often discusses with priests, monks and stakeholders and likes to read Hindu scriptures.

"If I am a witness to his struggle. Seeing him, it seems that he has always liked Hinduism with Bali. Always asks to come to the temple, for decades and likes to read Hindu scriptures. Likes to discuss with monks, priests, our owners," he said.

"And he also prays daily using Hindu means. Maybe in 2021 he will only get spiritual instructions to return to Hinduism. I also had time to ask if Mrs. (Sukmawati) was ready, whether her family agreed and she said she was ready and I asked to prepare all events," said Wedakarna.

The ritual will be held at the Sukarno Center Heritage Area in Bale Agung Singaraja, Buleleng Regency, Bali, on Tuesday, October 26.

"Yes, that's right. The event will be in Bali on October 26, 2021, next week," Arya.

Arya admitted that she was appointed by Sukmawati to help arrange the Sudhi Wadhani ceremony or the inauguration ceremony and ratification of the words or promises of someone who sincerely and with a pure heart declares that they adhere to Hinduism.

"So we help and the preparations are good and it's just a matter of implementation later. But in principle, we renamed the Sudhi Wadhani ceremony back to Hinduism. Mrs. Sukmawati returned to Hinduism based on ancestral instructions, based on a fairly high spiritual process that took a long time so that in the end," he said.

In addition, his party also conveyed that Sukmawati Soekarnoputri's transfer to Hinduism had gone through an approval process with her family.

"Both the families of his sons and daughters are the main ones and also his relatives. Mrs. Megawati, Mrs. Rachmawati, the late Mr. Guntur. Everything is in the process, so it's just an event like that," he said.

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