SERANG – A total of 57 students with disabilities from the State Special School 02 Serang City received the 2nd COVID-19 vaccination at the Banten Regional Police Biddokkes (Medicine and Health) clinic.
"Today we welcome the arrival of 57 students from special schools with disabilities to carry out the 2nd dose of COVID-19 vaccination", said Agung Widodo.
Agung explained that in carrying out the vaccination there was no queue, so the students did not have to wait long.
"We give special attention to students with disabilities, where they don't have to queue. They go straight to the room to vaccinate", said Agung.
The arrival and return of students at the Banten Police Biddokkes Clinic continued Agung, used the buses provided by the Banten Police.
"Biddokkes Polda Banten is committed to paying special attention to people with disabilities who will vaccinate by giving priority to other people in general", he concluded.
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