KALBAR – A total of 14 employees of PT Sumber Rejeki Digital (SRD) were appointed as witnesses in the alleged illegal online loan (Pinjol) in Pontianak.

The Head of Public Relations of the West Kalimantan Police, Police Commissioner Donny Charles Go explained, the development of the results of the examination that PT SRD did not provide online loans but focused more on the remote collection, aka desk collection.

"Desk collection is almost the same as debt collectors, in the real world it is called a debt collector, in the virtual world it is called desk collection," Donny explained, quoting Antara, Wednesday, October 20.

He also explained that the task of desk collection is to collect customers who collaborate or lend with 14 loan applications whose positions are not located in Pontianak. Donny said there were around 22.530 people who became customers at the company.

"After we investigated it turned out that these 14 online loan applications did not have valid permits, at least they had permission from the Financial Services Authority (OJK)," Donny explained.

It is known that the number of employees in the company, along with its leaders as many as 65 people.

"Yesterday we arrested only 14 people with various positions, who are now witnesses," he said.

Before working, they will be given access in the form of a username and password that is used to view customer data that makes loans from 14 online loan applications, he said.

Donny explained they have their own duties and responsibilities, HRD and HRD assistant in charge of recruiting employees, a captain in charge of supervising the collection desk, and collection desk in charge of billing customers who are in arrears.

According to Donny, there are several ways the collection desk collects its customers, namely reminder 2 (reminding stage 1 customers), which is to collect by calling directly and sending a copy message in WA whose contents are only a reminder.

Then reminders (reminder 1, reminding customers of stage 2), namely contacting customers by calling directly and sending a message of a copy of WhatsApp which emphasizes the customer to make a payment immediately.

"And the third, S0 (due), which is contacting customers by calling directly and sending messages that are more threatening in nature, such as sending photos of ID cards and selfies, even cursing and threatening customers to be embarrassed and then making payments," he said.

According to him, until now, the loan has not been found here, its position is outside Pontianak, so what is found is only a legal entity that acts as a long-distance collector.

He said that his party needed time to carry out a case title because it was the first time handling a case like this, after seeing it turned out that the legal version was entangled in a criminal article.

Article 45B juncto (Jo) Article 29 and/or Article 48 paragraph 2 in conjunction with Article 32 paragraph 2 of Law Number 19/2016 on the amendment to Law Number 11/2008 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions with a maximum imprisonment of four years and or a maximum fine of IDR 750 million.

"There is a criminal threat, so that's what we guide to follow up, before we get there we need some expert information while trying to trace it," he said.

So, according to him, it will take time to explain this case clearly, for example with the role of each person. For law enforcement, his party must listen to the testimony of expert witnesses to confirm it, and it takes time to obtain expert witness statements to strengthen the consumption of the law that will be applied later.

"Of course, we will continue to follow up on this, even though it is not an online loan without permission, but this is the desk collection they use to collect debts from customers that contain threats of violence or intimidation, sometimes to the point of embarrassing customers," said Go.

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