MEDAN - The Medan City Government, North Sumatra, said the remaining eight residents of the two centralized isolation places (isoter) handling COVID-19 patients in the area.

"There are still many rooms in our isoter area. Currently, only eight people are being treated in an integrated isolation belonging to the Medan City Government," said Medan City Secretary Wiriya Alrahman in Medan, quoted by Antara, Friday, October 15.

The two isoters are the Soechi Hotel on Jalan Cirebon and the Center for the Development and Empowerment of Educators and Education Personnel (P4TK) in Medan Helvetia.

Wiriya said that the city of Medan currently has the status of Level 2 of Enforcement of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM), which means that there is a relaxation of restrictions, both social and economic activities.

"But I emphasize that this condition does not make us weak and careless. COVID-19 is still there and will attack us when we are weak and careless," he said.

Wiriya said that in the last few days there have been developments in confirmed cases of COVID-19 that need the attention of all parties, especially this week.

Starting Monday, October 11, there were 10 additional confirmed cases of COVID-19, Tuesday, October 12, there were 12 cases, and Wednesday, October 13, a sharp increase of 31 cases.

"From October 10 to 12 no one died, but on October 13, one person died. This is a 'warning' for us," he said.

Wiriya reminded the sub-district heads to monitor their respective areas, record the names and addresses of residents confirmed for COVID-19, take the residents to an isoter location, and coordinate with the local puskesmas.

"The mayor wants the sub-district heads to monitor and provide reports on the handling of COVID-19 in their respective areas," said Wiriya Alrahman.

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