MEDAN - Police conducted a pre-reconstruction of 21 murder scenes against a victim named Benny MP Sinambela whose body was found in a pathetic condition at the Hawaii Hotel, Medan, North Sumatra.

"There are 21 scenes at the crime scene," said Head of Criminal Investigation at Medan Polrestabes Kompol Rafles at the pre-reconstruction site, quoted by Antara, Thursday, October 14.

He said the pre-reconstruction was carried out to complete the dossier of the murder case.

"In the examination there were several points that were not described, for example the position of the victim and the suspect while sleeping. The result was that oral sex only occurred before the perpetrator killed the victim," he said.

The pre-reconstruction series presented the ASS actor, alias Agung, a resident of Jalan Sei Bangkatan, South Binjai District, Binjai City.

The scene starts with the perpetrator and the victim booking a hotel room, then performing oral sex until the perpetrator finally kills the victim by being stabbed and running away.

Previously, the body of Benny MP Sinambela was found in a pathetic condition at the Hawaii Hotel on Jalan Jamin Ginting, Medan City on Saturday, October 9

Then, joint officers from the North Sumatra Police and the Medan Polrestabes managed to secure the perpetrators in Singkil Regency, Aceh Province.

Based on the results of the interrogation, the perpetrator confessed that he was desperate to commit the murder because he felt hurt, because the victim kissed, held his stomach and genitals and hugged him in public.

The victim also promised the perpetrator Rp. 300,000 in money after having sex, but the victim did not keep it.

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