JAKARTA - Director of PT Loco Montrado, Siman Bahar alias Bong Kin Phin filed a pretrial at the South Jakarta District Court against the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK).

Judging from the site sipp.pn-jakartaselatan.go.id, this lawsuit is registered with case number 90/Pid.Pra/2021/PN JKT.SEL. Siman filed a lawsuit asking the KPK to stop the investigation because it was illegal and not based on law.

In addition, he also requested that his determination as a suspect related to the alleged corruption in the management of metal anodes carried out between PT Loco Montrado and PT Aneka Tambang (Antam) Tbk be cancelled.

"Declare null and void all decisions or decisions issued further by the respondent relating to the determination of the suspect against the applicant; Order the respondent to stop the investigation of the applicant based on the Investigation Order Number: Sprin.Dik/40/DIK.00/01 /08/2021 dated August 19, 2021," as quoted from the South Jakarta District Court SIPP.

Acting KPK Spokesperson for Enforcement, Ali Fikri, confirmed the pretrial submission. He also admitted that the anti-corruption commission had named Siman as a suspect in the case.

"It's true (Siman is the suspect, ed). The information we received is correct that the person in question filed a pretrial," said Ali when confirmed by reporters.

Previously, the KPK stated that it was investigating allegations of corruption related to the cooperation in land anode management between PT Antam and PT Loco Montrado that occurred in 2017. However, the KPK has not explained in detail who the suspects are and the construction of the case.

Until now, KPK investigators have continued to collect evidence by examining witnesses and conducting searches and seizures in Jakarta, Banten and West Kalimantan.

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