MEDAN - Dozens of parking attendants rallied at Medan City Hall. They rejected the policy of the Mayor of Medan, Bobby Nasution, which set 22 parking locations to be e-parking areas.

The Action Coordinator, Dedi Harvi Syahril, said Mayor Bobby Nasution's policy had actually killed off the incomes of the parking attendants who had depended on this sector for their lives.

The demonstrators asked Bobby Nasution to make policies that would improve the welfare of the people, not harm them.

"If you can't become mayor, step down. You don't need him, people choose him because of taste, not because of ability", said Dedi.

In addition, Dedi denied the statement of the Mayor of Medan who said that there was a lot of revenue leakage from the parking retribution sector.

"The deposit from the parking attendant can't be cut off, it will be deposited immediately. If the mayor says there is a leak, it is in their office, not in the field", he explained.

"Our deposit is late, tomorrow we have to pay double", he continued.

So far, said Dedi, the income of Jukir in Medan is very worrying. Moreover, the parking attendants are increasingly intimidated by the presence of third parties, the more they will decide they are not working.

"I don't need to mention the name (the manager), the mayor knows that there are deals that are not true. 22 points, do you enter Surabaya Street where there is more parking, Sutomo Street, why? disturbing. The leak is at the Transportation Agency", said Dedi.

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