JAKARTA - The Ministry of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform (PANRB) prohibits state civil servants from taking leave and traveling during the Maulid holiday on October 18-22.

The Kemenpan RB explained that the ban was based on the Circular Letter of the Minister of PAN-RB Number 13 of 2021.

"October 19 will be the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. However, the commemoration holiday is on October 20, 2021. Based on the SE Minister of PAN-RB Number 13/2021, ASN is prohibited from traveling and taking leave from 18-22 October 2021," the statement from the RB Ministry said, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, October 13th.

The Kemenpan RB also reminded the sanctions that could be accepted by ASN who still violate the rules on leave and travel for ASN employees during the 2021 national holiday during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The staffing officer is asked to give disciplinary punishment to ASN employees who violate the regulations. Report the implementation of the circular to the Minister of PAN-RB via the link https://s.id/LaranganBercepatanASN no later than 3 working days from the date of the national holiday, wrote the Kemenpan RB Instagram.

However, the prohibition on traveling activities can be excluded for ASN who carry out official duties (WFO) which of course is guided by the applicable rules and regulations.

Meanwhile, the SE Minister of PANRB Number 13 of 2021, dated June 25, 2021, regulates restrictions on travel activities outside the region and/or leave for ASN employees during the 2021 national holidays during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Restrictions on activities outside the region are enforced during and before and after national holidays.

"ASN employees are prohibited from traveling outside the region during the 2021 national holidays and on other working days on the same week as the national holidays, both before and/or after national holidays," the circular reads.

The SE also regulates the limitation of leave for ASN. ASN is prohibited from applying for leave before and/or after a national holiday on the same week as a national holiday.

Meanwhile, the staffing officer did not give leave permission for civil servants during that period.

The ban on leave is excluded for maternity leave, sick leave and other important reasons for civil servants.

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