JAKARTA - The Surabaya City Government (Pemkot) will pay special attention to elementary-junior high school students who have an IQ above the average.

Head of the Surabaya City Dispendik, Supomo, said that so far the Surabaya City Government has been concerned about handling children with special or inclusive needs. Currently, his party plans to pay more attention to children who have an IQ above the average.

"Right now, we are dealing with children whose IQs are above the average and are put into special classes. They will be fostered by selected teachers from all private and public schools in the city of Surabaya," Supomo said, quoted from the official website. Surabaya City Government.

Those who can join this program are elementary-junior high school students, both private and public in the city of Surabaya. However, before taking a special class, these students will be selected and tested in stages.

"The tests will be gradual, starting from the Academic Potential Test (TPA) to the IQ Test. Only then will they take part in learning. Therefore, elementary and junior high schools throughout Surabaya please send their best children, then we will choose," he said.

Supomo also ensured that this special class would not interfere with normal school time. This is because it takes place outside of school hours. Later, the special class will be filled with around 15-20 children and will be divided into North, East and West Surabaya areas.

"The class will be small. One class contains about 15-20 children. We'll also see how the potential of the children is," he explained.

The plan, the special class program entitled "Free Extraordinary You", will start in November 2021. Currently, Supomo admits, his party has started to carry out the selection stage for Surabaya students.

"The test (selection) has already started. God willing, it will be implemented in early November 2021," he said.

Interestingly, in this special class program, Dispendik Surabaya also collaborates with Prof. Yohanes Surya. An Indonesian physicist has been known as a supervisor for the Indonesian Physics Olympiad Team/TOFI.

Later, said Supomo, Prof. Yohanes will not only provide lessons for students participating in special classes. But, it also provides guidance to educators in the program so that they have more and more focused abilities.

"The target is for smart children in the city of Surabaya to be honed. Do not let there be smart children and then there is no coaching, special attention, then the children become ordinary children," said Supomo.

Supomo hopes that, through the special class program, the abilities of Surabaya children who have an IQ above the average can be further honed. Therefore, Dispendik Surabaya continues to be committed to providing a place or facility to hone the skills of Surabaya children.

"For example, there are those who are good at sports, then Dispendik takes special approaches to those who are good at sports. Likewise, those who are good at art. Including this smart one, because of the excess of his mind (IQ) then we have to accommodate it. So that everything is polished that way," he added.

Therefore, Supomo added, that the lessons in the special class will not only focus on exact fields. Instead, some other or non-exact fields are certainly adapted to the intellectuals of the participants. "So, it's not just an exact field, later if he turns out to have a high intellectual ability, we will prepare it (non-exact)," he concluded.

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