JAKARTA - A brawl between two groups of residents using sharp weapons and firecrackers occurred on Jalan Pala, Lubang Buaya, Cipayung, East Jakarta. According to residents, Doni, the brawl occurred around 5 o'clock after the dawn call to prayer.

"The brawl is as usual on Jalan Pala. They (the brawlers) bring motorbikes, some carry sharp weapons and firecrackers. Initially, they were triggered by an attack with firecrackers first," said the victim at the location, Wednesday, October 13.

This brawl also went viral on social media. In the CCTV footage, two groups of teenagers using motorbikes then attacked each other.

The perpetrators were armed with sharp weapons and firecrackers. The brawl between the two groups of teenagers did not last long. Both camps fled when their actions became known to residents.

"Initially I heard the sound of firecrackers first. The perpetrators of the brawl were not residents here, but outsiders who only fought here," said Doni.

This brawl between groups of teenagers, said Doni, usually occurs on Jalan Raya. This is the first time the brawl on Jalan Pala has happened. As a result of this brawl, residents began to get restless. The motive behind the brawl is not yet known.

"The perpetrators seem to be outsiders. Not the children here. They usually often fight in front of the highway there," he said.

Until now, the brawl, which had gone viral on social media, is still under investigation by the Cipayung Police, East Jakarta.

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