BADUNG - From evening to night many people packed the Bali Bombing monument on Legian Street, Kuta, Bali. They came to celebrate the 19th anniversary of the Bali bombings.
The Bali Bombing Commemoration was also attended by the Head of the National Counter Terrorism Agency (BNPT) Boy Rafli Amar, Tuesday, October 12.
Boy Rafli said the Bali Bombing tragedy 19 years ago as many as 200 more people died and hundreds of people suffered serious and minor injuries.
"The point is that the moment we attend is to remind all of us that the crime of terrorism as a crime against human values is an event that we certainly hope will not repeat itself in the masses to come," said Boy Rafli Amar.
"Therefore, the narratives that we build are how we work together hand in hand, work collaboratively together, all potential threats that exist related to the seeds of the birth of terrorism crimes must be sought so that we can anticipate," he added.
Boy Rafli also said that mitigation programs need to be carried out jointly between elements of the ministry, institutions and the community, as well as with leaders.
"Far from all violence, far from all wanting to hurt each other. Because, regardless of whether violence is intentional or unintentional, what is clear is that it brings disaster to humanity," he said.
"Therefore, the spirit of today is how we continue to collaborate and synergize in anticipating the slightest potential threat of terrorism. We must work together to eliminate all potentials that may arise in society," said Boy Rafli.
According to him, all elements of society continue to update the identification of all forms of potential threats of terrorism. Of course, it also requires support from the community and all parties regarding threatening crimes.
"The state, government and society must not lose to the crime of terrorism that prioritizes violent methods," said Boy.

Meanwhile, Suyanto, one of the survivors of the Bali bombing, told a story about the incident when he worked at the Sari Club.
"The injury to my eardrum ruptured and I received help for surgery to a hospital in Australia," he said.
At this moment, on behalf of the other victims, Suyanto expressed his hope and gratitude.
"We, as Indonesian citizens, were victims of terrorism in December 2020. Even though we waited for 18 years, finally we as victims of terrorism in the past were able to receive compensation rights," he said.
"We also thank the team of the Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK) as well as the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) as a state institution that has helped us victims of past terrorism to get assistance from the Indonesian state," he explained.
In addition, Suyanto also asked the Governor of Bali/Bali Provincial Government to continue to provide assistance or services that have been received by the survivors.
"We also hope that BNPT and LPSK can help solve psychological problems for our children who were young and now adults so that they can be given consultation assistance together so that they too can live with a better mentality," he said.
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