JAKARTA - Densus 88 has not been able to intervene in the regeneration of the Jemaah Islamiyah terrorist group. The regeneration of these dangerous groups should be watched out for.

This was stated by the Director of Identification and Socialization of Densus 88 at the National Police Headquarters, Kombes MD Shodiq during the public discussion 'Al Jamaah Al Islamiyah in the past, now and in the future,' broadcast online, Tuesday, October 12.

"(In the future), they will continue to regenerate and (terror) activities will continue. This needs intervention," Shodiq said as quoted by Antara.

Prior to the global jihad, this group would conduct various trainings held in schools or camps throughout Indonesia. "The human resources are there," he said.

However, the map of the distribution of Jamaah Islamiyah members has declined since one of the leaders of Abu Rusydan was arrested.

"After yesterday's peak, we carried out law enforcement against Abu Rusydan, one of the leaders and figures of the Jamaah Islamiyah group, in general the map of Jamaah Islamiyah has been down," said Shodiq.

He continued, since the Jemaah Islamiyah terrorist group carried out terror in Indonesia, until now, law enforcement officers have arrested and processed the law as many as 876 perpetrators.

Overall, regardless of the origin of the terror group, there are 2,914 terrorist actors who have gone through the legal process.

"We need to know that currently there are 6,000-7,000 members of Jamaah Islamiyah throughout Indonesia," said Shodiq.

The Director of Identification and Socialization of Anti-Terror Detachment 88 is grateful that Indonesia has issued Law Number 5 of 2018 concerning Amendments to Law Number 15 of 2003 concerning Stipulation of Government Regulations in Lieu of Law Number 1 of 2002 concerning Eradication of Criminal Acts of Terrorism into Laws .

The law allows Densus 88 to enforce the law on parties who have the intention and plan to commit acts of terror.

"This is the advantage. That we can immediately take steps before they do," said Shodiq.

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