JAKARTA - Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi said the 10 Bandung Principles or Dasa Sila Bandung are important provisions in facing various challenges of the times, including today.

This was conveyed by Foreign Minister Retno at a High Level Meeting celebrating the birthday of the Non-Aligned Movement which was held in Belgrade, Serbia on 11-12 October.

Foreign Minister Retno said that 60 years had passed since the Non-Aligned Movement was founded, the challenges it faced still persist, multiplying, including the COVID-19 pandemic and climate change.

However, he said, the Ten Principles of Bandung or Dasa Sila Bandung, which are timeless, have a set of values in facing the challenges of the times, in at least three areas.

"First, promoting equality between nations. Inequality of access to vaccines continues. Discrimination and politicization of vaccines further widen inequality and create uneven recovery," he said in a written statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Monday, October 11.

"Vaccine equity and justice is the greatest moral test before us."

Foreign Minister Retno said the Bandung Dasa Sila calls for equality among all nations. Therefore, the Non-Aligned Movement must act in unity and solidarity, to promote equal distribution and equal access to vaccines.

Next, Foreign Minister Retno said that Dasa Sila Bandung also puts forward the values of cooperation. He explained that geopolitical competition threatens the way we work together in overcoming pandemics and other global challenges

"Humanity's biggest challenge, climate change, cannot be overcome with a zero-sum approach. Dasa Sila Bandung invites us to prioritize common interests and cooperation," said Foreign Minister Retno.

Third, the Bandung Dasa Sila underlines respect for justice. According to him, the Bandung Principle mandates the Non-Aligned Movement to support Palestine in fighting for justice.

On this occasion, Foreign Minister Retno also invited the countries of the Non-Aligned Movement to support Indonesia in nominating the archives of the 1961 1st NAM Summit in Belgrade as UNESCO World Memory.

"Let the history of this movement remind us of our values, ideals and principles. Ensure that these values, ideals and principles are fulfilled," said Foreign Minister Retno.

"President Soekarno, one of the founders of the Non-Aligned Movement, once said, 'never forget history. Together we can build a better and stronger world,' he concluded.

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