JAKARTA - The Surakarta Police have destroyed 1,259 non-standard exhausts or brink exhausts at the Surakarta Police Headquarters, Central Java. The thousands of exhausts were the result of operations in Solo starting last March.

"A total of the Brong exhausts were the result of operations in the Solo area from March to October 2021," said the Head of the Surakarta Police, Kombes Pol. Ade Safri Simanjuntak, Monday 11 October.

In addition to disturbing the public, the exhaust, whose sound is deafening, is also a danger to the riders themselves and other road users.

At the event the Brong exhaust was symbolically destroyed by the Head of Police accompanied by the Deputy Chief of the Surakarta Police AKBP Gatot Yulianto and Head of Traffic Police Adhytiawarman Gautama Putra by cutting a chainsaw. Others were run over by roller coasters.

The Police Chief explained that the Brong exhaust was evidence from several traffic violations by the Surakarta Police Traffic Unit, from March to October 9, 2021.

Motorists or road users who use exhausts that do not comply with the technical specifications that have been determined in accordance with applicable regulations.

In Article 285 paragraph (1) of Law Number 22 of 2009 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation, it is stated that every driver on the road must meet technical and roadworthy requirements.

"So, out of 1,259 actions, the exhaust was confiscated that did not comply with the technical specifications. We then destroyed 1,259 of these Brong exhausts," said the Police Chief, quoted from Antara.

In the context of law enforcement of Article 285 paragraph (1) of the LLAJ Law, in addition to not fulfilling the specifications and technical requirements for roadworthy operational requirements, it is also carried out because the use of exhaust that does not comply with these technical specifications can be dangerous for motorists themselves.

"With the Brong exhaust, the combustion comes out is not the same as what research has done through the technical specifications of the exhaust itself," said Kapolresta.

From some of these incidents, he said, there was a flow of combustion that exceeded its capacity, potentially causing a fire in the motor vehicle.

Violators are obliged after fulfilling the payment of a ticket fine, both in court and in the bank, said the Head of the Police, there is an obligation to remove the exhaust muffler on the vehicle to be replaced with an exhaust that complies with the technical specifications (standard).

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