JAKARTA - The Health Office (Dinkes) of Central Java Province handed over 35 thousand free latrines for residents in this province. With the latrine stimulant social assistance program, 94.47 percent of household heads (KK) in Central Java have been free from open defecation (BABS) or Open Defecation Free (ODF).

The head of the Central Java Health Office, Yulianto Prabowo, said the provincial government had provided latrine stimulant social assistance to residents. So there are more than five percent of Central Java residents who still defecate inappropriately.

"We are very grateful that until now, Central Java's population of around 36 million people, 94.47 percent of whom have defecated in the latrine," said Yuli, quoted from the official website of the Central Java Provincial Government, Monday, October 11.

The provincial government has tried to provide latrine stimulant social assistance to the poor who are still defecating indiscriminately. Of course, the provincial government is not alone.

"There is the regency government, there is the city government, there is the TNI-Polri, there are also donors, volunteers who are all united to realize ODF in Central Java," he said.

Referring to the available data, the latrine stimulant social assistance has been distributed since 2015-2021. The total amount is 35 thousand latrine packages. Each package consists of cement, closet, paralon pipe, elbow, SNI iron. In 2022, the provincial government will also distribute 8,000 latrine packages.

The holder of the Bansos Latrine program at the Central Java Health Office, Ayu Novioktaviana Hapsari, and the team carried out monitoring activities on social assistance beneficiaries in Brebes Regency. Among them are Pesantunan Village, Wanasari District and Bangsri Village, Bulakamba District. According to him, in 2021 Brebes Regency will receive 978 latrine stimulant social assistance packages.

A candidate for the latrine assistance social assistance in Bangsri Village, Warman, said that the assistance was very much needed. Because all this time, he was forced to defecate at a neighbor's house or defecate in the fields.

"So you don't have to bang on the neighbors (houses), you don't have to defecate in the fields again at night. I really hope I can get it,” said Warman.

The 2020 latrine beneficiary, Feni Puji from Pesantunan Village, is grateful for the latrine assistance that has been installed in his house.

"Olih (got) help sing (from) the governor (Governor of Central Java Ganjar Pranowo). Toilet assistance, dadi luwih is clean, luwih is healthy (so it's cleaner, healthier)," he said.

Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo said the existence of latrines was one of the government's ongoing efforts to reduce poverty in the community. Because, said Ganjar, house latrines are an indicator of poverty, in addition to the condition of the roof, floors, walls, houses, electricity, and clean water.

“One of them, after we checked, was that there was no latrine, no electricity, clean water sources. This is what we will attack (handle)," he said

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