JAKARTA - The Executive Director of Netgrit (Network for Democracy and Electoral Integrity), Ferry Kurnia Rizkiyansyah, reminded the Indonesian General Elections Commission (KPU) to be free from any intervention or pressure in deciding the 2024 Simultaneous Election voting date.

"In the context of the KPU's independence or independence, when deciding something or taking a policy, there is no intervention, no intimidation, no pressure," said Ferry, Saturday, October 9.

As is known, the schedule for the 2024 Simultaneous Elections has yet to be decided due to two proposals. Namely, the government through the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs Mahfud MD proposed that the voting be held on May 15, while the Indonesian KPU planned for February 21.

According to him, if the KPU has intervened, then as the election organizer, it is no longer independent. So it is feared that it will undermine public trust.

"If, for example, the KPU has been shaken, even including Bawaslu, of course, this is not independent. I think which other institutions will be built to build public trust," he explained.

Therefore, Ferry hopes that the KPU can immediately make a decision to be consulted with Commission II of the DPR RI and the government. Of course, he said, the KPU in making a decision still prioritizes the principle of transparency.

"Later, in the context of this decision, the KPU will have to decide, moreover, this is strategic," he concluded.

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