JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo has signed Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 87 of 2021 concerning the Acceleration of Development of the Tambourine Area and the Southern Part of West Java.
As the attachment contained in the Presidential Regulation, it is stated that through the acceleration of the development of the Tambourine Area and the southern part of West Java, the government wants to eliminate the disparities that occur in the West Java region.
"The development of the Tambourine area and the southern part of West Java is carried out to reduce the level of disparity between regions throughout West Java Province," explained the statement in the attachment to the Presidential Regulation quoted from the jdih.setneg.go.id page, quoted by Antara, Friday, October 8.
In the attachment to the Presidential Decree, it is stated that the issue of disparity that occurs in West Java Province is a strategic issue in the province, which has become a gap and spatial gap between developed regions and underdeveloped regions.
The gap rate (gini ratio) characterizes the ongoing development process in West Java Province and there are indications that development in West Java Province has not been evenly distributed, where the West Java Province gap rate reaches 0.403 percent and is always above the national figure of 0.381 percent.
West Java province has a different geographical area between west, east, north, and south. With a variety of different characteristics, it causes a level of inequality, especially development gaps/disparities.
"There is a development disparity between areas in West Java Province which are located around DKI Jakarta Province and other areas of West Java Province, especially the southern part. This is due to the acceleration of natural development that occurs as a result of the development of DKI Jakarta," explained the statement in the attachment to the Presidential Decree.
In the Presidential Regulation Number 87 of 2021 which was promulgated by the Menkumham on September 10, 2021, it was stated that the acceleration of the development of the Tambourine area covers seven regions, namely Subang Regency, Sumedang Regency, Indramayu Regency, Majalengka Regency, Cirebon Regency, Cirebon City, and Kuningan Regency.
Meanwhile, the acceleration of development in the southern part of West Java includes Sukabumi Regency, Cianjur Regency, Garut Regency, Tasikmalaya Regency, Ciamis Regency, and Pangandaran Regency.
In general, the government will accelerate the development of the Tambourine Area and the southern part of West Java through strategic and integrated steps that are directed, focused, measurable, and on target.
Acceleration of regional development is carried out through the provision of infrastructure to grow investment that has an impact on improving an integrated and sustainable national economy.
Details of the plan for the acceleration and development of the Rebana area and the southern part of West Java can be accessed by the public through the jdih.setneg.go.id page.
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