SURABAYA - The East Java Provincial Government is ready to test the implementation of level 1 community activity restrictions (PPKM) in Blitar City. In Blitar, vaccination achievement in general, including the elderly and the assessment is in accordance with the agglomeration basis.

East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa explained that Blitar City was chosen by the central government as a test area until October 18.

He explained that there was a regulatory adjustment in the Instruction of the Minister of Home Affairs Number 47 of 2021, that the implementation of the PPKM level was not only based on an assessment from the Ministry of Health, but there were new requirements, namely the achievement of vaccinations in general including the elderly and agglomeration-based assessments.

Based on the regulation, said Khofifah, it was found that Blitar City was the only area in East Java Province that was at PPKM level 1 according to the qualifications according to the Instruction of the Minister of Home Affairs (Inmendagri) Number 47 of 2021 for the Java and Bali regions.

"The implementation of the level 1 trial in Blitar City was carried out because it had met the requirements for the Ministry of Health's assessment indicators, coupled with new requirements from the Ministry of Home Affairs Number 47/2021, namely the coverage of dose 1 vaccination which was more than 70 percent and the dose for one elderly was more than 60 percent. " he was quoted as saying by Antara, Thursday, October 7.

Khofifah explained that Blitar City's COVID-19 vaccination coverage as of October 6 reached 97.92 percent for dose 1 and 63.88 percent for dose 2.

Meanwhile, vaccination for the elderly at dose 1 reached 67.19 percent and dose 2 reached 52.13 percent.

In addition, the total number of positive cases of COVID-19 in Blitar City was recorded at 6,972. Meanwhile, the total number of recovered cases was 6,701.

Then for death cases, the total is 263. Thus, currently in Blitar City there are only 8 active cases.

"This data is the latest data from the Blitar City Health Office as of October 4, 2021," he said.

For this achievement, Khofifah expressed her gratitude for the hard work, synergy, prayers and collaboration of health workers and the Forkopimda of Blitar City, as well as all strategic elements of the community.

"Alhamdulillah, Blitar City is the only one where the central government will conduct a trial for implementing PPKM level 1, hopefully other regions in East Java will follow," said Khofifah.

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