BANDA ACEH - The Aceh Regional Police are still waiting for the schedule of the case for alleged corruption in the Aceh Government scholarships with a value of Rp. 22.3 billion at the National Police Criminal Investigation Agency.

The Head of Public Relations of the Aceh Police, Kombes Winardy, said that the case title was carried out to give investigators an overview regarding the legal status of the cases being handled.

"Until now, the investigators of the Special Criminal Investigation Directorate of the Aceh Police who are handling the case are still waiting for the schedule to be held at the National Police's Criminal Investigation Unit in Jakarta," said Kombes Winardy, quoted by Antara, Thursday, October 7.

Previously, Kombes Winardy stated that investigators from the Special Criminal Investigation Directorate of the Aceh Police were looking for additional evidence related to the investigation into the alleged corruption of the Aceh Government scholarship.

The additional evidence, said Kombes Winardy, is to strengthen the legal construction of alleged criminal acts committed before the determination of the suspect.

"Investigators have carried out a case title. As a result, all participants in the case have agreed that additional evidence is needed before determining the suspect," said Kombes Winardy.

In addition to additional evidence, said Winardy, investigators also requested assistance from the National Police's Criminal Investigation Agency (Bareskrim) to complete the handling of the case.

"With the addition of evidence and assistance from the Criminal Investigation Police, it is hoped that the completion of the investigation can be accelerated, so that the next case can be held as soon as possible and the determination of who the suspects are," said Winardy.

The Aceh government in the 2017 fiscal year allocated a budget of more than IDR 22.3 billion for scholarships for study program students, ranging from diploma three to doctoral or doctoral degrees.

The scholarship budget is placed in the Aceh Human Resources Development Agency (BPSMD). The scholarships were distributed to 803 recipients with the realization reaching more than Rp. 19.8 billion.

Previously, the non-governmental organization the Anti-Corruption Movement (GeRAK) Aceh reported indications of corruption in the distribution of scholarships for educational assistance from the Government of Aceh for the 2017 fiscal year.

The findings of the Aceh Inspectorate stated that the scholarships came from the proposals of 24 members of the Aceh DPR. The number of recipients reached 938 students, consisting of 825 recipients of proposals from members of the Aceh DPR, and 86 people who applied independently.

In handling cases of alleged corruption in scholarships, Aceh Police investigators have examined a number of members of the Aceh DPR for the 2014-2019 period as well as hundreds of scholarship recipients.

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