JAKARTA - The residents of Pesangrahan were furious with thieves because they were caught taking money from a warteg drawer on Jalan Darul Fallah, North Petukangan, Pesanggrahan, South Jakarta. When in action the perpetrator is alone.

"Yes, one person (was taken into custody). We are still investigating the perpetrator," said the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Pesanggrahan Sector AKP Fajrul A Choir, Thursday, October 7.

According to information, the perpetrator entered the warteg and took money from a drawer. The action of the perpetrator was caught by one of the warteg workers who were cooking.

Residents who surrounded him took turns beating and kicking the perpetrator. A resident also splashed the perpetrator with a drink bottle.

"Eating is the essence," said the resident.

A witness named Nawawi explained that the incident began when he was cooking in the kitchen. Nawawi then became suspicious of the noise in the diner's dining area. He also checked and caught the perpetrator was opening a drawer that is usually used to store money.

"So my position is at the back, cooking. So the one who wants to steal is he comes here. When he comes to the front, he wants to take (money)," said Nawawi at the location, Thursday, October 7.

Without thinking, Nawawi immediately shouted at the perpetrator as a thief. The perpetrator was arrested and beaten by the residents to a pulp.

"I've already been caught. I screamed at the thief. Finally the people came here," he said.

The police came to the location and took the perpetrator to the police station. When searched, the police did not find any sharp weapons.

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