JAKARTA - The government has commercially inaugurated the Jatiluhur Regional Drinking Water Supply System (SPAM) operation.
President Director of Perumda PAM Jaya Arief Nasrudin said that the stage of the Jatiluhur SPAM will distribute 520 liters of clean water per second from the water treatment plant (IPA) to Jakarta.
"This additional supply will serve around 27,000 new home connections (SR) in eastern and northern Jakarta and will provide access to clean water that is urgently needed for communities that are developing," said Arief in Jakarta, Thursday, December 19.
The Ministry of Public Works also operates the strategic storage infrastructure and Distribution Center (DC) Cilincing 2, located in North Jakarta.
The two facilities, which are part of the Phase I Jatiluhur SPAM project, were built to ensure an efficient distribution of clean water supplies.
"DC Cilincing 2 has a capacity of 20 million liters and will distribute 345 liters of water per second. This facility will serve Cilincing, Marunda, Rorotan, and Kali Baru sub-districts and bring much-needed clean water to underserved areas," explained Arief.
As for East Jakarta, said Arief, there is also the Pondok Kopi Distribution Center with a storage capacity of 5 million liters, which will distribute 175 liters of water per second.
This facility will improve water services to areas such as Pondok Kopi Village, Pondok Kelapa, Pondok Bambu, Duren Sawit, Klender, Malaka Jaya, Malaka Sari, West Cakung, East Cakung, Pulo Gebang, and Ujung Menteng.
"This distribution network will significantly increase access to clean water for tens of thousands of residents in these areas," said Arief.
During the initial operation of SPAM Jatiluhur Phase I, he admitted, customers in several areas may experience cloudy water due to the ongoing draining process of the piping system.
For this reason, his party urges customers to open the water faucet for a while until the water that comes out is clear and ready to be used.
If the next stage is operational, Arief continued, the Jatiluhur SPAM will provide a supply of 4,000 liters of clean water per second for DKI Jakarta, which will support around 300,000 new house connections by 2028.
"SPAM Jatiluhur is a vital infrastructure that will play an important role in meeting the increasing need for clean water in Jakarta," he said.
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